Product Feature
Power train - Engine
C18 Tractor engine
637G The tractor is adopted by ACERT® Technical C18 Engine provides power。 Large displacement and high torque reserve allow the scraper to dig in tough material。 Coordinated with a high-efficiency torque converter and an electronically controlled power shift transmission,Its performance is more reliable and durable.。
C-9 Scraper engine
637G It is driven by series power,A belt was added to the scraper ACERT™ Technology of Caterpillar C9 Engine。 C9 Engine is 637G Delivers superior power and fuel efficiency unmatched in the industry,Can exhibit consistent high performance in a variety of applications。
Double horsepower
C Series engines feature dual horsepower,Use low power setting in torque converter driven,High power setting for direct drive。 If the machine is in torque converter drive, engage the stud,Machine automatically goes to high power settings。
Mechanical-electronic unit type oil injection (MEUI
MEUI The system has a variable profile spray shape.,Optimize combustion based on altitude and temperature。 Carter MEUI The fuel system is very mature,The degree of reliability is well-known。 This system combines the technological sophistication of an electronic control system with the simplicity of direct mechanical unit fuel injection。 These characteristics make C18The engine has complete control of the fuel injection timing、Injection duration and injection pressure。
Electronic Control Module
Electronic Control Module(ECM)Reacts to driver commands and engine sensor inputs,Give full play to the good performance of the engine and machine。 This advanced engine management software,Through monitoring,No matter when,Whenever there is a cold start、Work in the plateau area、Or when the air filter is blocked,All provide protection for the engine。Scope of monitoring:
Injection timing and pressure
Engine Cooling Fan Speed
Hydraulic pump
NGMR Engine cooling system
The standard radiator for the tractor is the next generation modular radiator(NGMR),9 fins per inch,The previous model had 33 fins per inch.。 Tractor and scraper radiator fin spacing increased,Reduces clogging under extreme operating condition。 Two-piece access door for easy removal of debris。
Extended oil change interval
Through S•O•SSMC Analysis C18 and C9The engine oil change interval can be extended to 500 hour。
Power train – Gearbox
Electronically Controlled Cat Planetary Power Shift Transmission,There are eight forward gears and one reverse gear。 The first and second gears of the tractor are driven by the torque converter,It is easy to increase the torque during the scraping and bucket loading work.。 The third to eighth gears are direct drive,It is convenient to improve the transmission efficiency during transportation.。 All scraper gear ranges are in torque converter driven,So that dure that scraping and bucket load proces,There is a lot of torque.。
Final drive
The outboard mounted planetary type of final drive reduces the torque loads that are transmitted to other drive train moving components.。 Large carrying capacity、Double-row rolling bearings and Caterpillar Duo-Cone® Seals provide excellent reliability in the toughest conditions。
Independent braking system
Shoe brakes are designed with a cam action,As well as that form of air application and SPR release。 The front and rear brake systems have their own independent circuits.,It is equipped with an auxiliary brake,When the brake air pressure drops to 55 psi(380 kPa)Engage automatically when。 Audiovisual motion alarm indicator when brake air pressure drops to 75 psi(518 kPa)Prompt the driver when。
Fully hydraulic power steering delivers the driving experience with efficient, modular oil flow control,Achieve stable steering response。 The optional secondary steering system is a wheel slide drive version,Provide hydraulic power to the steering system when necessary。
Cushion joint
Electronically actuated buffer joints feature a parallelogram linkage,Combined with nitrogen accumulator,Have very high strength,Provides a smooth ride,So that that drive comfort is improved。
Cushion Fitting Latch Control Provides Favorable Blade Restraint Pressure During Loading or Paving Operations
Controlled oil flow buffering rebound shimmy
ÕÒFlat valves automatically center the piston in the cylinder under all load condition
Double kingpins can withstand extremely high external forces,And simplify installation and removal
Multidirectional adjustable seat
The Cat Comfort Cloth Seat is an adjustable seat,And equipped with handrail,For optimum driver comfort。 Rotates and locks in four position (0º - 10° - 20° - 30º),Provide the best operating position during shoveling and transportation。 • Secure seat belt as standard。 Optional retractable non-cinching seat belt。
Improved steering column
Increased legroom 3.5 in(89 mm),Reduced knee contact point。
Standard air conditioning
The location of the vents for the standard air conditioning system is unknown again.,Increased air flow in the cab。
Storage and Convenience
The storage box is conveniently located,There is space for lunch boxes and medicine boxes.。 There are also cup holders and ashtrays in the cab.。
Good view
Low-emission engine compartment hood corner downward inclination,Improved field of view。 Redesigned hood and front guard wider,Effective containment void-Air aftercooler(ATAAC)、Ether Starting Aid and Light。 The exhaust pipe is located at the rear of the housing,Get a good line of sight to the right。
Instrument display panel
A new four-meter group layout was adopted.,Engine coolant temperature can be displayed、Gearbox/Torque converter oil temperature、Fuel level,And system air pressure。 637G The tachometer can be used to monitor the speed of the front engine or the rear engine。 Once 637G After the engine of the tractor is started,From inside the cab,,Use a switch on the instrument panel,Start the rear engine。 Electronic monitoring system(EMS III)Before it can be displayed in the cab、Rear engine condition information。
Engine speed lock controller
By enabling the driver to eliminate the need to maintain pressure on the accelerator,The engine speed can be maintained,Enhanced handling during long haul cyclic。
Simplified transmission control
Simplify gear selection(First,Second,Forward and backward)。In addition,The driver can program the control for the highest gear。 The gear control device is arranged to the rear,Increased driver legroom。
Armrest/Hand rest
Handle next to the joystick controller/The armrest gives the driver a hands-off position in the transport and return lanes.。
Single Lever Implement Control
The operation is simple,Joystick improves productivity for drivers of all skill levels。 Less operating force is required to control the main functions of the scraper,Less lever travel。 1) Scraper bowl(Before and after) 2) Discharger(Side to side) 3) Doumen(Thumb rocker switch) 4) Transmission hold 5) Buffer joint 6) Rocker switch(It's not shown here,In front of the joystick) • Push and pull(On the shackle/Down)* The standard open bowl is not equipped with a rocker switch。
Electronic controls
Simplify the system
The electrical system has been redesigned,So that the three electronic control modules on the tractor can be used(ECM)To replace the first four.。 The rear power scraper now uses two ECM,Not three.。
Improved serviceability
Integrated monitoring system,Easy access to diagnostics,In addition, durable components are used.,Make routine maintenance and repair of the machine quick and easy。
Product link
The product link is a wireless system,Nable that customer to track information such as location and location,、Machine data such as operating hours and machine health information。 When the machine is operating beyond the user defined operating time and position range limit,The system can automatically issue warnings.。 The data transmission line of the product is the original accessory.,It may also be installed in an area reserved for the module and antenna mounting location。 Plug-in leads are standard,No need to splice to existing links。
Fuel economy
The electronic control unit can make appropriate timing settings according to different conditions.,Therefore, the work is fuel-efficient.。 ADEM A4 The controller depends on the engine load、Speed and temperature match timing。
Exhaust smoke is reduced
ADEM A4 Controller reads electronic sensor data,Determining the optimum air-fuel ratio。 Engine drag、Precise fuel control during starting and acceleration,Reduce smoke emissions。 Compared to mechanically controlling the position of the governor rack,The system is more responsive,More efficient。
Scraper bowl
Redesigned bowl
Redesigned bowl so that falling objects do not collect between the bowl and the arm, Premature wear is effectively prevented.。 This modification ensures better load retention on flat and sloping ground。 Bowl capacity increased by 3 yd3(2.3 m3),More materials can be shipped。 •Improved structural strength of the multiformat bowl,Bucket side and bottom plate are not easy to sink。
Bulldozer unloading system
Cat Dolly Dump System Ensures Constant Spread Control,Minimize material residues。 Spill plate helps retain material,Prevent spillage of material onto the rear of the scraper(Standard on tandem engine,Optional equipment on single engine open bucket scrapers)。
May need to be adjusted depending on operating conditions。 Sharp blade(Convex downward)Position with good penetration,And allow the material to roll into the bowl efficiently,While the horizontal blade is used for final leveling.,Or for extremely high impact conditions。
Tandem engine
The twin engines can ensure that the power is enough to overcome the steep slope.,And can drive all the wheels.,To overcome the softness、Wet and slippery ground conditions。
Double horsepower
On Tandem Engine Scrapers,The rear engine has dual horsepower capability,Better driving performance on haul roads。
Material application
Ideal for handling a wide range of materials,From clay to blaststone。
Push and pull configuration
Push and pull attachment
This optional configuration,It is to concentrate the power of the two machines on the blade.。 Push and pull configuration,Allows two independent machines to form a self-loading system。General,It can load two machines in less than a minute.。
A flexible fleet
The system may use less machinery and lower investment than a corresponding self-loading or boost-loading system,To provide a more balanced and flexible fleet configuration。
Hydraulically operated shackle
Push-pull configuration with hydraulically controlled shackles,And a buffer plate bolted to the front end of the tractor,Another hook is fixed on the rear end of the scraper.. The actuator indicator light on the instrument panel illuminates when the trigger is engaged to activate the push-pull hook and stud。
Screw structure
The screw has a wide range of applications.,From rock to free-flowing material,Like sand。
Screw mechanism
The screw lifts material away from the blade,Then carry the material to the top of the original material.,True self-loading capability is achieved。 Material is evenly distributed in the bowl,And that load stability is ensure。
Material handling
The action of the screw on the windrow has several advantages:
Wide range of material adaptability,Suitable for landfill operation
Mixing material reduces voids in the bowl,Ensure the balance of the payload
Reduce dust and noise during loading
Double horsepower
When the screw motor is engaged,Tractor engine automatically adjusts back to higher power settings。
Slip limiter switch
Avoid idle rotation of the rear wheels during loading。
Hydraulic system
Tooling oil pump separated for the whole machine/Valves,Use of a single hydraulic system,Simplify maintenance,And reliability is improve。
Repositioned the implement valve
The implement valve is transferred from the tractor to the top of the scraper air duct。 Reduction in the number of hoses and metal tubes spanning the curved beam,Potential leak points are also reduced。 Repositioning improves the serviceability of the implement valve。
Electro-hydraulic control device
637G All electro-hydraulic control devices are used,The cab pilot valve can be replaced with a single lever control,This simplifies maintenance,And reduce noise.。 The high efficiency electro-hydraulic pilot oil filter provides cleaner hydraulic oil to the pilot system。
Full flow circuit
The hydraulic system uses a closed-loop, full-flow hydraulic circuit,The oil flow is driven by the gear pump and the piston pump。
Prevent material spillage,Comparison with Elevator Scraper,It has a better ability to hold powder.。
Centralized maintenance point
The maintenance and repair points of the engine are concentrated on the right-hand side.,And is easy to overhaul。 This includes the engine air filter、Engine oil check and fill port、Fuel filter and filler port,Coolant level sight glass、Window washer reservoir、Air conditioner dryer tank,Ether starting aid fluid tank、Engine oil filter、Fan driven lubricator,And sampling ports for engine oil and coolant。 • Cab wiring has been redesigned and relocated,Better maintenance performance
Customer support
Product support
You will find that almost all parts are available at your Cat dealer.。 Cat dealers use international computer networks to find parts in stock,Minimize machine downtime。 Save with Genuine Cat Reman Parts。 You can get the same assurance and reliability as a new product while saving a lot of money。
Machine selection
Before buying,Be sure to compare the machines in detail。 In addition,Cat dealers can estimate component life,Preventative maintenance costs and the true cost of stopping production。
Study the initial price carefully.。 And consider alternative financing options and day-to-day operating costs.。 Also pay attention to the quality of dealer service that can be included in the cost of the machine,O as to save the operation cost of the equipment in the long run.。
Customer Support Agreement
Cat dealers offer a variety of product support agreements.,And will work with the customer to develop a service plan,Can best meet the specific needs of each customer。 Service plans can cover the entire machine,Includes accessories,Helps protect your investment。
Improving operational techniques can improve your bottom line。 Your Carter dealer has the videotape.、Data and other ways to help you increase productivity,Caterpillar also offers certified driver training courses.,Help you get the most out of your investment。
Maintenance services
Check with your dealer for scope of services。 The optional repair plan can guarantee the repair cost in advance.。 Diagnostic procedure,For example S-O-SSM Analysis and Coolant Sampling and Technical Analysis,Helps avoid unscheduled repairs。
Fix、Refurbished or replaced? Cat dealers can help assess the costs involved.,Help you make the right choice。
Product Parameter
EngineBulldozer engineScraper engineScraper bowlGearboxHydraulic unitTurnService refill capacity - BulldozerService refill capacity - ScraperSizeWeight - Standard,In seriesWeight - Push and pullGearbox - 637G |